Wood Stories

Wood Stories

Information about the industry, people and technology that make it a sustainable design option

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Our obsession with wood shingles.

We’re obsessed with this article from Architectural Digest by Kyle Hoepner, as it beautifully explores architect’s creative and practical obsession with shingles and shakes (“their ...

This wooden youth hostel looks amazing.

From DesignBoom. Nestled high in the Austrian Alps, the ‘Youth Hostel Gerlos’ by Salzburg-based design firm Lechner & Lechner Architects seamlessly blends with its surrounding landscape. Designed as ...

Talk about nose to tail construction! 

Dezeen.com just released an article about Norway architects Kolman Boye Architects who has completed a weekend retreat in Lillesand, Norway, with a facade made from ...

Don’t call it a comeback.

RNZ (Radio New Zealand), has a news story out about wood being a construction industry darling when it comes to helping to reduce greenhouse gas ...

Playful forest home “pierced” with living trees.

With 31% of total global land area covered in woods, it’s no surprise that the world hosts a large collection of modern homes built in ...

Jet House by Hello Wood is a childhood fantasy come true.

Design Studio Hello Wood, located in Budapest, made a child’s dream come true with an airplane-shaped tiny house for her to play with her friends ...