Wood Stories

Wood Stories

Information about the industry, people and technology that make it a sustainable design option

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The Modern Farmhouse Trend

Modern Farmhouse, Rustic Contemporary, Country Modern, Industrial Cozy, whatever you call it, the trend of combining the natural and aged materials as well as traditional ...

Three Facts About Eastern White Pine.

1.  The tallest tree in New York is a white pine, standing at 174′ tall.   In 2021, the white pine known as Tree 103, which ...

Upgrade your basement upside.

The basement renovation project is a hot one, often tackled by DIY homeowners. An often overlooked opportunity for these renovations is to look up.  The ...

We’ve got you surrounded.

This is not the first time we have featured design firm Hello Wood on the NELMA blog (See Jet House here),  and this public project ...

Sleek, Dark and Sexy

Were it not for the liberal use of wood (and plants), this black, red and grey modern interior could be very cold. It’s certainly edgy.  ...

Biophilic Design Trend Spells Sales for Lumber Yards

In a recent article from LBM Journal written by Mike Berger, LBM points out several reason why the latest design trend called Biophilic Design is ...