Northeastern Softwood Exports Drop by 30% in 2013

Compared to 2012, the export of softwood lumber from the northeast dropped 30% in 2013, based on volumes reported via NELMA’s Heat Treatment Certificate Program. A total of 2.8 million board feet were shipped overseas last year versus almost 4 million board feet the previous year, primarily Eastern White Pine lumber. These figures do not include shipments of lumber to Canada as the final destination.

The top 2 destinations from 2012 swapped places in 2013, with the UK now leading in volumes received and China the second most popular customer. UK shipments totaled 1.2 million board feet and represented 43.5% of the overall lumber exports, with China receiving 1.1 million board feet (38.8%) in 2013.2013 Pie Chart

The drop in exports from 2013 to 2012 was led by a dramatic decline in shipments to China, down by some 1.7 million board feet or -61%. Additional decreases were noted in exports to Pakistan (down by 271 MBF; -90%). However, significant increases in exports were noted for UK (+118%), Mexico (+110%), and Vietnam (+133%). In all, a total of 8 countries received Eastern White Pine exports in 2013, with Columbia and Kuwait added as new destinations.

The grade of lumber varied widely and included Industrial, Premium, Shop, P99, and No.3 Common.


NELMA Shipments of Lumber Sets Seven-Year High

Lumber shipments from NELMA’s member mills for the calendar year 2013 ended up the highest since detailed recordsShipments by YearShipments by Yearbecame available in 2007. A total of 847 million board feet (MMBF) was sent to the marketplace in 2013, eclipsing the 2007 shipment high-mark of 826 MMBF. Last year saw 444 MMBF of dimension lumber, primarily of the SPFs species grouping, and 403 MMBF of Eastern White Pine delivered to Total Shipments by Yearcustomers from January to December. This total was 6.2% more than the previous calendar year 2012, which included an increase of 4.8% for dimension lumber and 7.7% more for Eastern White Pine.

For details, click on the image thumbnail to the right to view graphics that include a summary for 2007-2013 along with detailed monthly volumes for Dimension Lumber and Eastern White Pine for the same time period.



Reference to Sustainability

While the website contains an abundance of pages designed to support the design, marketing, and location of specific manufacturers and retailers for northeastern softwood lumber, reference to the sustainability of the forest and wood products has been Log Yard and Mountains Backgroundamiss. Recognizing this void, NELMA’s Strategic Planning Group instructed the creation of a segment of the Association’s website to “host” pertinent sustainability research reports and studies. The purpose is to provide the individual viewer a source of factual information that verifies the northeastern forest industry’s (and forest industry overall’s) excellent story, in addition to serving NELMA’s members as a go-to location for reference.

Newly housed under the “Library” tab of the website and titled FOREST AND WOOD PRODUCT SUSTAINABILITY INFORMATION, a variety of reports and studies are now available for viewing and downloading. They include:

Maine’s Forest Economy Report. November 2013.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Softwood Lumber. May 2013.

Science Supporting the Economic and Environmental Benefits of Using Wood and Wood Products in Green Building Construction. September 2011.

Wood Products and Carbon Protocols: Carbon Storage and Low Energy Intensity Should Be Considered. April 2008.

The State of America’s Forests. 2007.

This section will be continually updated with subject-appropriate reports, studies, and information as they become known and available. Please contact NELMA (Phone: 207-829-6901 or email with information on additional title suggestions that will further enhance this important reference section of the website.


NELMA’s Marketing Program Spotlight: Advertising

Each month, AskNELMA will include an article that will focus on a particular marketing tactic within NELMA’s 2014 Program that describes the activities planned for the year.  This monthly spotlight feature is the result of a recommendation from NELMA’s Marketing Committee, seen as an excellent vehicle to expand communication with the Association’s membership in a broader reach regarding the attributes of the program and its perceived benefits.

This month’s focus is on the Advertising segment of the 2014 Program. Two types of advertising are set for this year, (1) Trade Press Magazine Advertising, and (2) Internet-based Advertising

Trade Press Advertising:

Print advertising is typically not an effective way to reach a target audience Trust the Stamp Ad 2-4-14unless you have a heavy frequency present within a magazine over time or a very unique gimmick advertisement (remember NELMA’s Talking Head ads?).  However, for an Association to add presence to supplements its member’s advertising in specific trade press, or support a trade magazine’s specific editorial opportunity, print advertising can be effective.

Trade PublicationsBuilding Products Digest and The Softwood Lumber Buyer.

Target Audience:  Lumber Wholesalers, Brokers, and Retailers.

Message:  See the Stamp, Trust the Quality; Buy lumber products manufactured by NELMA’s members.

NELMA will maximize its low-frequency ad placement by targeting issues that feature special editorial, activities, and industry events.

Internet-based Advertising:

More than 5 years ago, NELMA’s Marketing Committee saw the benefits of adding presence on Google’s search return page, utilizing the right-hand page space that incorporates small ads that appear when specific words or phrases are searched.  This form of advertising differs significantly from traditional forms as its pricing model relies on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis and search word popularity. NELMA sets a specific monthly budget and is not charged until someone clicks on the ad, which leads them to a specific area within NELMA’s websites dependent upon our message.

Internet Advertising VehicleGoogle AdwordsGoogle Adwords web

Target Audience:  All

Messages:  Various “campaigns” using multiple words and phrases that trigger our brief text ad to pop on the search page are currently in play.

NELMA’s CTR (Click-Through-Rate) has steadily been above the industry average every year.

Special Advertising Opportunities:

As a member of the Softwood Export Council, NELMA has access to marketing funds2013 Export Directory Cover-web through USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service and Market Access Programs.  For the last four years, the Association has taken advantage of these supplemental dollars to extend our marketing message to current and potential overseas buyers of  northeastern softwood lumber products.

Trade PublicationForest Products Export Directory

Target Audience:  Overseas Buyers

Message:  See the Stamp, Trust the Quality; Buy lumber products manufactured by NELMA’s members.

This broadly-distributed annual Directory is designed to help the foreign buyer find reliable sources of lumber and wood products from North American manufacturers and includes a write-up on each species attributes including Eastern Spruce, Balsam Fir, and Eastern White Pine.

Advertising’s Percentage of the Total NELMA Marketing Program:  12% goes MOBILE

When NELMA released the lumber industry’s first iTunes-downloadable app for the iPhone in January 2010, it was deemed the most innovative way to reach a wide-ranging audience with important reference information.  Full copies of the Grading Rules, the NELMA Buyer’s Guide, Eastern White Pine Grade Photo Sheets, the Monographs, and end-use photos were suddenly available for viewing on the fly literally at one’s finger-tips.  A year after the iPhone introduction, the app was introduced for use on iPads to keep up with the trending tablet usage.

Advance 4 years later and who knew that information reference-type apps such as NELMA’siphone mobile1 would become outmoded so quickly; that apps for the iPhone/iPad would evolve mostly into specific task or entertainment driven portals!  Add the growing market share of android-powered smartphones where a whole new development platform for app creation became necessary to participate.  And yes, Blackberry technology remains in play as well, requiring yet another technology to “app” on their devices.  Something had to give in order to find a more efficient way of making NELMA’s information available more widespread to its mobile, tech-savvy audiences and stay with the technology advancement curve.

So, it’s out with the iPhone/iPad app and in with our Mobile website.  Take a look by simply entering on your smartphone’s web browser, any smartphone!  As most have found, the ability to navigate and locate information on a regular website viewed on smartphones can be a very frustrating experience; content area way too large for the screen, super small text size, and limited ability to scroll.

NELMA’s Mobile version optimizes all that, keeping the same useful reference information readily accessible and always up-to-date!  No more app update headaches; no more multiple smartphone versions to deal with!  Just more staying ahead of the Joneses.

Introducing the NEW

Out with the old and in with the new as NELMA has just completed a total remake of its website.  Designed with the latest technology, viewers will immediately notice the enhanced visuals and easy navigation tools that make for a successful visit.  While the same information search tabs are still displayed at the top, a short scroll down the homepageNew Website Home Page Image offers quick access to Videos, News, Member Directories and the ever-changing Featured Content notices.

The website still offers the NELMA Members Area, content exclusive to the Association’s membership, and a Free Retailer Listing section that allows the supply chain to be included in a website visitor search for local availablility of Northeastern softwood products.  And for our International visitors, a fast conversion from English to one of 60 foreign languages is lightning fast with the click of a button on the top right.  And for those social media types, there’s access to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter with a simple click.

We invite you to take a look at the new Bookmark and visit often as we continually expand and update this important Northeastern softwood website!