The versatility of Eastern White Pine made it possible to express the material in iconic ways, shapes & forms. Aesthetically, the Eastern White Pine is best showcased as a unique circular design feature hovering over space, Conceptually, its form is inspired by a Spacecraft that just landed on the moon with its beautiful lights and unique curves. With an iconic, innovative suspended form, the building is immediately eye-catching, expressive and proud of its wood structure, although the exposed wood will require more protective care, this suspended area helps to activate a grand narrow pathway entrance, greenhouse, water pool, and outdoor park.
The future lunar workspace will not only be home to astronauts but also to dozens of humans, robots and automated vehicles (technological advancement expected). Remembering its 2035, Its believed that wood as come a long way structurally as a material and not just that which is hidden away but something that can be proudly displayed, adored and celebrated! The whole building rests on a weightless inverted U-shaped Spruce-pine-fir Carved Laminated timber column (2 pair of 8 legs). This spruce-pine-fir column carries the structure, connected to the diamond-shaped beams that are formed from a laminated block of “NELMA Finish Grade E.W. Pine timber. The lunar workspace would be based near the moon’s south pole, where the moon receives almost constant sunlight.
Sustainability is important to live on the Moon, Trees with long lifespan can be used as lumber. Also greenhouse with water bodies where included. This water pool indirectly serves as an energy source for the building. The water pond can be recycled and used daily, to minimize the transportation of water from the earth. The green landscape and central greenhouse area provide food and oxygen for the users.