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NGR Added to NELMA Library

The official Interpretations of the National Grading Rule (NGR) for Softwood Dimension Lumber have been added to NELMA’s print and online library.  These Interpretations, approved by the National Grading Rule Committee andInterpretations Cover web reviewed every 2 years, have been a long-standing and critical resource for lumber graders to correctly apply the grading rules for softwood dimension lumber (Section 5 in the Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber).

The NGR applies the same rules for construction grades to all softwood lumber species manufactured within the U.S. and Canada.  Allowable sizes, the limitations, and measuring instructions for most every defect are provided within this publication to assist in properly administering these rules, covering everything from Bark and Pitch Pockets to Wane and Warp.

NELMA’s Lumber Inspectors will be distributing these booklets to Dimension graders at member mills in the coming weeks as a grading reference booklet.  Contact the Association (207-829-6901) for a copy or view/download from the NELMA website.


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